Outsource your FQHC Revenue Cycle Management to The CHC Alliance and we guarantee you will see a return on your investment within 4 to 6 months.
Revenue Cycle Management

Most FQHC’s are managing the complete revenue cycle with in house billing staff. While this is providing jobs locally, the lack of expertise could be a challenge. We have a solution! Keep your staff and reallocate them in other areas of need within your FQHC. Your staff can strengthen your first line of defense at the front desk, provide support services to your providers, or take over your patient billing and collections.

We will reduce the denials, reduce the A/R, and increase your revenue! Your cash flow will be steadier than ever! What will you do with the increased revenue? Invest back into your CHC!
Our Guarantee to You

When you outsource your insurance billing to The CHC Alliance, we guarantee that you will see a return on your investment within the first 4-6 months.